Quarq Zero Offset Guidelines: The Zero Offset of a Quarq power meter does NOT have to be a certain number but should meet BOTH of the below criteria.
- The zero offset value must return within +/-1000.
- The zero offset must not drift more than +/-50 points during a single ride.
Zero Offset and Power Meter Accuracy: The zero offset is directly connected to the the torque measurement of the power meter. A single zero offset point is equivalent to 1/32 Nm of torque (32 points to 1 Nm). For a Quarq power meter to achieve the +/-1.5% accuracy specification, the zero offset must prescribe to the above guidelines.
If the Zero Offset of your Quarq power meter does not fit these 2 guidelines, contact Quarq Customer Service for further assistance.
+/- 50 point rule. When a power meter is new, or when you have changed the crank arms or chain rings, you can expect to see more than a +/-50 point drift for up to 3 to 5 rides. This behavior is caused from the power meter, crank, and chainrings mechanically seating into one another during the first few rides. Once 'settled' you can expect the zero offset to fit the +/- 50 point guideline. After 5 rides, if the zero offset does NOT fit this guideline, please contact Quarq Customer Service for assistance.
+/- 1000 point rule. There are times when the zero offset of a power meter can exceed +/-1000. If it is outside of this range, it does not always indicate an issue. If the power meters zero offset is greater than +/-1000, but within +/-1500, the +/-50 point rule applies. As long as the zero offset is stable within the +/-1500 point range, there is no reason to assume an issue exists. If the zero offset of the power meter is outside of +/-1500, or no longer fits either criteria, please contact Quarq Customer Service for further assistance.