VAM - How quickly the rider is climbing a hill. The rate of ascent in meters/hour. This feature is most effectively used in interval mode. Start an interval at the bottom of a large climb. Stop the...
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Your computer has the capacity to only accept 1 transmission signal for speed, cadence and power from your power meter. If you have other power meters on the same bike you will need 1 corresponding...
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Any off the shelf mini USB stick to standard USB stick cable will work. If you own a Blackberry or digital camera you already have this download cable.
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Make sure to check the record control on the Joule. Go to the main menu under device memory. You can set the Joule to start recording by speed or heart rate.
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PowerTap cadence is accurate within 40 rpm and 130 rpm. Anything outside of this range will be recorded as a zero. Since the cadence measurement is a virtual cadence (based off of torque measureme...
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Ensure the hub is awake by spinning the rear wheel. Perform a "find"� on the on the Joule/Joule GPS by pressing and holding the "+" and "-" buttons for 3 seconds. Spin the wheel to wake up the Pow...
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Update your Joule and PowerCap to the latest firmware and re-pair the hub. If you are using a Joule that hasn't been updated, make sure you learn your G3 hub as an ANT+ device, not a power tap. See...
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You need to stop and save the ride before the history file is created.
Note that the "end ride time" can be set to 90, 60, 30, 15 min or "never." Default is "never."
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The temperature sensor is embedded in the packaging and takes some time (30 min) to equilibrate. Short rides or quick temperature spikes may not register with the Joule.
Additionally, there is some...
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The computer may be asleep. Press one of the buttons on the computer to wake up the computer.
Batteries need replacement or charging
Is the computer too cold? Optimum operating temperature is 30-1...
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The Garmin uses a different altitude value based on both barometric pressure and GPS while the Joule uses just barometric pressure. Additionally, the Garmin and Joule use different averaging routin...
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Numerous differences exist between PowerTap and Garmin computers in regards to how data is displayed. To ensure minimal differences, you should verify the wheel circumference is correctly entered i...
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